Is it time to step it up a notch?

We get it! MazePlay started out on a family farm with a corn maze. And over the past 20+ years, we have helped many people like you create corn maze businesses that generate substantial revenue. Many of our customers can now fulfill their vision to build and pass on a succssful operation. These customers started humbly but are now some of the biggest and best in the industry.

The Plan
We will do an assesment to help you determine if a corn maze business can be viable.
1. You sign up with us.
Contract • $1,500 Deposit • Field Dimensions • Design Idea
2. We will support you with:
An Exceptional Corn Maze Design • Maze in the Field, Hassle-free • MazeOwners Playbook • Corn Maze Games • Online Tools
• Access to Expert Advice and More...
3. We are available for you to call.
As you market, open, and operate an awesome corn maze that people will enjoy.

You will have a good looking maze! You will have the opportunity to collaborate and suggest revisions to and approve your maze design before it goes into the field!
Your maze will be picture perfect in your field!
*If your maze cannot open for the season, we will refund 50% - 85% of your design and acreage fees.
*If the maze doesn't get at least 3,000 customers, we will refund 25% of the design and acreage fees.
* Additional terms are listed in MazePlay's contract, see contract for details.
What Makes your Corn Maze Exceptional?
The Artwork
The Artwork sells the Corn Maze. Tim Fitzgerald, of Exploration Acres is able to get some impressive sponsorships because of how good his mazes look. One of our favorites was the "Stranger Things" corn maze we created in conjunction with him and NETFLIX. His "Purdue" maze was voted the best in the US for 2019 by USA Today. The "Peter Pan" maze that we created for Micheal Bacon in 2017 went viral with millions of views. Mazes that have this kind of response get more customers. Many of our customers have told us they can charge more for admission because of the design. We believe it matters to your bottom line what the maze looks like!
The Customer Experience
Once we get customers in the maze, we want them to have FUN! We design mazes to be challenging, but not too frustrating. Over the years we have learned what makes a corn maze more entertaining, such as dividing the maze into sections, incorporating game systems, and more... People share when they do something fun. A positive customer experience gets you more customers!

That's right! We plant the corn maze design!
Having us plant saves you time, headaches, and perhaps even a sunburn. How are you going to get your maze place in the field? You could use a grid, graph paper and lots of labor, maybe even a friends gps unit. Then what? What's your time worth? We make it easy for you. We will plant the maze. We have developed a planter that only drops seed where it is needed to create your corn maze.

Our second favorite method for creating mazes is to use a tractor with GPS to till the paths in a corn field that has already been planted. This is also a good system and we are able to get great air-photos.
You should be able to have an awesome Corn Maze, an attraction with a great revenue stream that will contine to grow for years to come!

Feel free to Contact us. We will get back with you to answer any questions you may have.
If you are ready to get started on a fun, rewarding Corn Maze adventure.